Busy month here in November. A new belated issue of Beat Scene. Number 111. AND a new bigger format Beat Scene Press chapbook. JACK KEROUAC – BEAT TRAVELLER by noted Jack Kerouac biographer and scholar Paul Maher Jr. [Co editor of the new JACK KEROUAC SELF PORTRAIT along with Charles Shuttleworth. As well…
Author: Kevin
Beat Extras
Every now and then something comes along that lifts the days out of the ordinary. In these gloomy January times that something is ONE SHOT: A BEAT GENERATION MYSTERY by William Burroughs scholar of long standing Oliver Harris. That ‘one shot’ is a black and white photograph. It depicts Hal Chase [sometimes] alongside Jack…
More Beat Scene First Words
This is a picture in recent times of a favourite used bookstore of mine. Gosford Books owned by Robert Gill. That’s him in the doorway. He’s been there for 47 years. Think I’ve been going there for a lot of those years intermittently. It’s got better and better over those years. Not huge but…