This is Jack Kerouac in Italy, in I believe 1966, was it? It was an ill fated trip. Done for the money. He really didn’t want to go. But he was close to potless. Deep into his alcoholism. But even so, Europe meant something to him. Italy, close to France, possibly his ancient home…
Beat Extras
AN IMPROBABLE OUTLAW [as published in CUT magazine March 1989] Imagine an early twentieth century liner sinking dramatically, while on board in a crude operating room, a half crazed and drugged doctor scoops more drugs into his own bag than he is administering to his dying patient, who slips gently onto the floor. Then,…
Beat Scene First Words
Actual letter that Jack Kerouac typed and sent to Neal Cassady on March 25, 1957. Neal and Carolyn Cassady were living at Los Gatos and Kerouac often visited them there. Looks like Jack typed his letter but added a few handwritten PS extras. His wish to move to California is clearly apparent and his disenchantment…